What I did this week (May 25)

Even though we were on vacations I made a lot of progress. From the Cooper API now we can:

  • Use another invitation flow: there is an endpoint where we can find the pools that we are invited to, an endpoint to accept invitations, and another one to decline invitations, this way we can make sure that only those who are invited join and that you can also decline invitations.
  • Disabled sendgrid, we will delete the code that send emails, everything will be done in the app.
  • Friend requests, now we can have friends, send, accept and decline friend requests.
  • Login with facebook.
  • I put a server on Digital Ocean, started using travis for continous integration, everytime we push to the server repository, the app is built and the tests are run, if they pass we can merge, when we create a pull request to master and merge it, the code is deployed automatically to the Digital Ocean Server and restarted.
  • Now there is an https version of the server on port 3443, altough the http server is still running on 3000, this was because facebook only allows login from an https server. We may need to get a real certificate (I created and signed one by myself and the browser shows a warning).