#WSQ05 – Project

We are thinking about making a video game in the Unity Engine, because it is accessible, free and video games are always (almost) object oriented and I’ve already used Unity and so it won’t take too much effort to create something great. Also, C# has a very similar syntax to java, so, that’s nice.

The only problem that I see is that we don’t know how to create the art, so it might be hard to find some good free assets.

#WSQ04-Flipped learning / #AbolishGrades

Flipped learning, flipped classroom, whatever.

Teachers says the whole point of this is not avoid their work, but make students more independent and stop concentrating about the grades, instead start concentrating about learning, and learning is not the same as schooling, in which you memorize think for a few hours, just for the exam, and then you completely forget about it. Or so they say.

Also, the class is for doing “homework” (now known as bookwork) and when you are home, you take the lectures and learn the topics, so you can arrive to the class with doubts, and so you don’t have that doubt for several days until you see the teacher again. And that’s why it’s called flipped.

The downside of this is that the student has to be more independent and self-taught, which is a problem for many, because there is a lot of people that do no  homework and in class they only play videogames (as there are no grades). But on the long run, when students get used to it, it could be a very good teaching way, because you can learn on your own rhythm.

But honestly I don’t care that much, because, whereas you have a good teacher or not, you will learn by yourself, if you want to.

And here’s a good source that I found about flipped classroom http://www.theflippedclassroom.es

Sorry for the long post. Here’s a potato




#WSQ03 – Object-Oriented basics and a pie

I like pies, everyone likes pies.

Here’s a photo of some pies:


But this post is not about pies, it’s about A PIE.

A PIE is an easy way to remember the 4 more important concepts of OOP.

A: Abstraction.

Abstraction means that in object oriented programming we need to abstract real world objects intro a simple concept, considering only the more essential behaviours and attributes to define that object in a general way.

P: Polymorphism.

This term refers to the fact that in Object Oriented Programming we can have the same Interface for different Objects. For instance, the plus sign, when used with number, we add these two number, and when used with strings it concatenates these two strings.

I: Inheritance.

This means that a class can inherit methods, attributes and fields from another class, and with this you are able to describe a general concept, like mammal animals, they share common characteristics, and then you can create a human class, that inherits from the mammal class, so that it is able to produce milk, but then you can add more specific behaviours to that class, like talking and stuff.

E: Encapsulation.

The idea behind encapsulation is to be able to think about objects as a black box, in which you don’t care how it works, but you care about what it does. Imagine you are using objects and you decide to change the inner behaviour of the object, if there were not encapsulation you would have to do changes wherever you used that objects, but with the encapsulation you can change the behaviour, not affecting anything outside the class of these objects.

#WSQ02 – Hello World

I’ve written the java code for a super Hello World program and ran it successfully, from eclipse and the terminal.

Eclipse Hello TC201, by Hermes.

Eclipse Hello TC201, by Hermes.


Hello World Terminal, by Hermes.

And I’ve pushed this eclipse project to my Github account (for the bonus extra ninja points).

Github Hello world, by Hermes (me).

Github Hello world, by Hermes (me).

#WSQ00 – Sign the Page One

#WSQ00 I agree to our #TC201 Page One.

How to submit code to Github

First of all you need to create a free Github account, and also you need to check if git is installed. Open a terminal window and type:

git –version

If git is not installed, then go to the git download page and install the appropriate version for your operative system, or just type:

sudo apt-get install git

Then you need to configure your local git profile, just by typing in the terminal:

git config –global user.name “myname”

git config –global user.email “myemail”

And of course you should replace the text beneath the quotes with your own name and email.

And now go to Github and click on the button that says “New repository”, give it a name and click on “Create Repository”.

Noew that your repository is online, go to the terminal and go to the root folder of your project, then type:

git init

This will create an empty local repository.

See if there’s a README.md file in the root folder of your project, if not, create one, you can leave it blank if you want to, this file is the description and other important information about your project that appears in the repository page.

And now you have to add all your files to the queue so that they can be commited:

git add .

git commit -m “some random message”

Now in order to push the code to your repository, you need to create a connection to it, just type this and change the link to fit the one of your repository (you can see it in your repository page), where “bazinga” is the remote name:

git remote add bazinga https://github.com/username/repo-name.git

So now all you need to do is to push the commit to your remote repository with:

git push -u bazinga master

This adds your commit to the master branch.

And that’s all! you should now see your all your project files in the Github repository.